One of the things we are always trying to do is remain focused on where our message is heard first. As we began to reveal the technology to the world at the end of 2019, we became aware of the StadiumBusiness Summit that will take place at Emirates Old Trafford on April 21st – 22nd this year. It’s just down the road from GroundWOW Global HQ which technically makes it a home game for us, but that is not really why it caught our eye.
SBS (as it is regularly referred to) attracts an extremely high-calibre audience of highly relevant high profile industry figures. We were therefore delighted to secure a brand presence at the event as well as make it on to the impressive roster of speakers. Being measured about how, where and who we share our message with is a major part of our strategy (we can’t be everywhere at once!) and SBS instantly felt like a great fit for us.
We originally talked to the event founder Ian who explained all about this gathering of the world’s leading stadium and arena executives. With a potential market for GroundWOW as wide as it is, it was quickly obvious that an event like SBS would be a really efficient way for us to meet major sector relevant executives in one place.
So, if you have already heard about us and you are curious about the technology and even if you haven’t, we would be delighted to see you at Emirates Old Trafford in April. We will present a demo of the world’s first autonomous full colour ground printer and talk you through how our breakthrough technology can help you to conveniently turn dormant real-estate into revenue.
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